With kind respects to students who contact freelancers about doing interviews (always around this time of year I?ve noticed), I shall be redirecting you to this post by�Marian Bantjes�from now on.�
I?ve always felt these ?interview assignments? bordered on the lazy (on both the teacher?s part as well as the student), if not the utterly pointless. Oh sure, it?s nice to be asked (unless, like one student said, you bulk-emailed dozens of artists knowing at least one would be polite enough to get back to you; if that?s you, you are a discredit to us all), but it really seems like a case of the dog licking its own balls: Just because you can, doesn?t mean you have to. It?s not remotely difficult to get in touch with anyone anymore. In fact, it?s so damn easy it?s usually annoying.�
To those who are teaching, I implore you to come up with better assignments. I?m sure you have a big workload, and I really respect you for doing this work. But when I was a student, I?d have considered such an assignment to be pointless busy-work. You?re a creative person, you can surely be more creative than that.
(via luclatulippe)
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